Tuesday, August 08, 2006


As part of my resolve to read more non-fiction, I am currently reading Krakatoa by Simon Winchester. He does seem to emphasise the importance of what happened there in 1883 as regard to international communication, which isn't of so much interest to me.

I am enjoying it a great deal. I find volcanoes and plate tectonics fascinating. I'd love to visit some places of especial geological interest like Krakatoa, YellowStone, New Zealand or Iceland. (As long as they don't go boom when I'm there. :D. But small chance and fat chance, for the moment. Of travelling, not of eruption. :D)

I haven't been getting through books at my usual rate because of S being on summer holidays. It's nigh on impossible to get T to have his day-time nap with her around, and I've been trying to get us out of the house a lot to avoid all the conflicts that seem to arise at home. The problem is that he wants to follow her around and do whatever she is doing, and she occasionally wants a break from him. But then, if he does start playing with something on his own she often starts interfering with what he is doing too. So it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, most of the time.

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