Sunday, September 03, 2006


It's two years since the school siege in Beslan ended.

This was so horrific: it is something that still gives me chills and makes me feel sick. I think because it was so drawn-out, so cruel, and because it was children. Of the major terrorist events since 2000, it is the one that scares and appals me most, (although of course the train/bus bombings in London were horrendous. And September 11 was frightening and beyond wrong).

I don't admit this often, (cos I know I'd get my arse kicked :D & possibly rightfully so) but when I first saw what was happening on September 11, I thought it was a bit of terrorism come back to bite the Americans in the arse. After all, it has been partially American money that has funded terrorism in N.I for so long.

In my defence, I didn't realise the true proportion of events until later. I saw what was happening on screens without the sound and it seemed almost unreal. But I do continue to believe that the one bit of good that came out of the horror of the twin towers was that the realities of terrorism were brought home to some of those responsible for helping to prolong the conflict in N.I. Not that it's all over there (and not that that is all there is to it, either), but at least there's some improvement.

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